Monthly Archives: July 2017

Odor In Drinking Water

Contrary to popular opinion, (or at least from the doctor’s insurance company) this is not an accurate statement. Most people living in a civilized society recognize the right to sue. The fact that a doctor has been or is sued is not that significant. If you ask a doctor if they’ve been sued, they will often be quick to explain how the case had no merit. Importantly, the physician will still continue to practice medicine and there will usually be no disciplinary action taken as a result of a civil medical malpractice lawsuit. The belief that a doctor’s reputation will suffer a blemish if sued, is simply not correct.

This has not been in the media, but a 23 month old near here is fighting for his life, and a pregnant woman just south of San Antonio is fighting for her life. In Mexico, these folks might have died already, but here in the US, folks are getting Tamiflu or Relenza quickly, and we have ready access to ventilators. What this means is that within a couple of weeks, regional hospitals will likely become overwhelmed.

You can find Home Care or Home Health agencies in the phone book or on line. You can ask your local health department, or the ombudsman, or even contact your local Alzheimer’s Society.

Investing in yourself. You won’t be paying the mortgage for anyone except yourself. And if the bank is willing to lend you the money, you can be sure they think you can afford it. That’s their lend you money. They won’t give money to a poor risk.

I had to drag myself back to the doctor to admit I still wasn’t right. I had taken the steps necessary to work through the problems, but the anxiety just worsened. My emotions swung like a pendulum. I would go through a manic state of mine only to crash, as i referred to it. I had to sleep. No way could I physically or mentally do much of anything. I fantasized of any way imaginable to ease my agony.

I knew I had concerns with my mental condition, but i really began to think I was going crazy. The shame associated with this thought is immense. Hiding my troubles seemed like the best option for a long time.

The numb feeling somehow catapulted from no feelings to extreme over emotion. Every emotion humanly possible ran through my veins like lightening. When I was happy, I was overjoyed to the extent of hysterical laughter. A simple scrape or bump on my children would instill a fear in me so deep it is unimaginable. I recall a night when my youngest son was sick. I lay in his bed with my hand touching his chest to comfort myself. I knew he was alright, but it scared me so fiercely that I literally shook. I wondered if this feeling was only in my head until my son asked me to stop moving the bed. It was making sleep difficult.